The real reason why women wear makeup

What motivates women to wear makeup? Is it because we want to impress men? Is it because we are insecure? Is it because we want to conceal our unattractiveness? I’ll give you a clue, no no no – it is none of those.

I don’t mean to make a large blanket assumption for all women however, I am confident to say this is the real reason why a majority of women wear makeup:

1. Because we want to.


*Images from from ‘Elle Thomas – Makeup Artist’. See more at

 Yes that’s right. We wear makeup because we want to.

Nobody has any right to criticise or shame another being on their choice of how much makeup they wear. Yet I’ve been surrounded by countless negative remarks on women who wear makeup.

I have had men say, ‘Women who wear makeup are misleading’, ‘Women who wear makeup are hiding their true self’, ‘Women who wear makeup are actually ugly’, ‘Women who wear makeup are insecure’.

Whilst women are more along the lines of ‘She’s not even that pretty, she’s a cake face’, ‘She wouldn’t get that attention if it weren’t for all that makeup’, ‘She doesn’t even look like the same person’.

And what about those ‘why do you wear makeup’, ‘you should go for a more natural look’ remarks…

But wait… why are we ‘makeup-shaming‘?

Why do people lace so much judgement around wearing makeup?

What is wrong with wearing makeup?

Why do you feel as though you have the right to decide what is ‘too much’ for someone else? Why does it have anything to do with you? Are you so judgemental that you treat a woman differently because of the makeup on her face?

I work as a makeup artist so I have seen endless numbers of women without makeup and then with a full face of makeup. I can say with 100% confidence that all of these women are beautiful with and without makeup. Each woman is the same woman as they were before I completed a makeover on them.

She has the same story, the same imperfections, the same quirks. She loves the same, she hurts the same. She is not wearing a mask and she is not hiding. If anything she is simply accentuating her features.

Beauty is deeper than what we see visually.

Stop the makeup shaming. Stop the judgemental crap about who wears makeup and who doesn’t. At the end of the day, a woman is a woman. I am me – and no amount of mascara will change who I am.

If you wear makeup – great! If you don’t wear makeup – great! Do what makes you happy!

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